Songhwa Chae

Code, Create, Innovate

selected projects

About Me

Bootstrap Themes

I am a computer science student. I am passionate about coding and ready to learn new things. I have done some full stack development using different languages.


  • JAVA
  • Python
  • PHP
  • C
  • Springboot
  • LogStash
  • Javascript
  • AngularJS
  • jQuery
  • HTML
  • MySQL
  • Oracle
  • MongoDB
  • InfluxDB


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Sahmyook University SU-CareShop

Volunteer Work Matching System for Univ Students
- Java/Spring Boot/Javascript/jQuery/MySQL
- Designed and Implemented APIs.
- Front-end programming.
- Created SQL statements.
- Testing.

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Korea SDA English Institution Online English Class

Review lessons online.
- Java/Spring Boot/Javascript/jQuery/XML/MySQL
- Converted Flash programs to modern web application.
- Designed and Implemented APIs.
- Refactoring.
- Front-end programming.
- Testing.

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Kookmin University Mobile Application

One-step application with messenger, QR Attendance, scheduler, class bulletin board, etc.Worked especially on scheduler, class bulletin board, automatic database table creation.
- Java/Spring Boot/Javascript/jQuery/Angular JS/MySQL
- Designed and Implemented APIs.
- Built Spring batch engines.
- Front-end programming.
- Created SQL statements.
- Testing.

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Sahmyook University SU-Pay

On-campus mobile payment system
- Java/Spring Boot/Javascript/AngularJS/MySQL

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Sahmyook University Suwings Maintenance

Intranet System Maintenance and Improvement

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VITCON IoT Device Data Visualization

Parse log files and save data into database. Visualize.


Bootstrap Themes

Software Engineering Intern - Nexmotion, Seoul, Korea (Jan - April 2022)

Contact Me